The Three Disgraces

Series: The Three Disgraces. Tom, Dick and Harry available as a collection and also available individually
Material: Bronze
Edition: Limited Edition of 8
Average Size:
Height 68cm X Width 30cm X Depth 20cm
£6,985 (Each) for the set of three £19,900

Also available in

Material: Cold cast bronze resin
Edition: Limited Edition of 10
Average Size:
Height 68cm X Width 30cm X Depth 20cm
For group of three £7,500 (not for sale individually )

Living in Bristol has had a big impact on Lucianne’s recent work, specifically ‘The Three Disgraces’ Named Tom, Dick and Harry. The Three Disgraces are a contemporary take on the classic Greek Mythological theme of The Three Graces. Streaming a flow of urban realities, reflecting particularly on the street culture in the city today, creating work inspired by the vulnerabilities and vibrancy of the human city zoo.  Contemporary situations and attitudes in our urban culture are grafted onto the archetypes of ancient Abrahamic and Greco/Roman mythologies, as someone aptly said,

“Bridging a gap between hip hop and Michelangelo.”

Howard Male

The Three Disgraces are available in either a pale grey/white patina or a dark bronze patina ( see pics)



Icarus with burning wings


The Three Miss Graces